Say hello to the family of 4!! Blair arrived Monday afternoon and we are all in LOVE with her! I am the happiest mommy every right now, I have my big baby boy and my little baby girl! This afternoon we all cuddled up and watch a movie and took a few pictures. I am so in love with my children...
I never really got a chance to sit down and write Will's birth story when it was nice and fresh in my mind. Bummer but I still remember every thing about that day. So I want to take the time to tell you all about Blair's birth.
I didnt know how I was going to be able to get any sleep the night before the induction. Well let me tell you, I was up at least every hour to look at the clock to see if it was 6 AM yet. When 6AM came around I just laid in bed thinking about how today was the had finally arrived. I had breakfast, got the rest of my hospital bag packed, and went upstairs to Will's room to give him one more kiss. I cried...yes i said it...I cried and thought to myself 'I can't have another baby, Willy is my baby' but than I also thought 'this will be good for him, he'll have a permanent best friend'. My parents came to the house to wait for Will to wake up while we went off to the hospital.
The whole was I couldn't stop thinking that we were having another baby today! Once at the hospital and all checked-in they checked me and I was 3 almost 4cm dialated. My nurse started me on pitocin around 8 and it all begain from there on out. Half an hour later the resident doctor came in to break my water. From there Jack and I just watched the Today show and hung out. Around 10:30ish my older sister and my mom had arrived at the hospital and I was than dialated to 5cm. Now from here on out labor went fairly quick! Every contraction I had to breath though and concentrate on something else. We had told my nurse that if we wanted any medicine at all we'd like fentanyl. The nurse had came back and told us that after 7cm they don't give it to you cause it can cause respritory depression on the baby. So she told me to think about it in the next half an hour. Well...I got this HUGE contraction that was super hard to breath through and told Jack to find our nurse cause I wanted the medicine. She wanted to check me before she gave me anything. Told me I was 8-9cm and I was past the point of having any medicine. This all happened so fast I couldnt believe it. It seriously took a half an hour for me to get from 6cm to 8-9 cm. So my nurse got on the phone to call my Doctor and tell her to come to the hospital. I knew I wasnt just 8-9cm...I was 10cm cause with every contraction I had the urge to push. I kept asking if there was another delivery doctor who could come in to get this babe out but my nurse kept saying just wait she's almost here. I thought it was only 20 minutes long till the doctor came through the doors, but I guess it had taken her 45 minutes to get to the hospital!! So I was waiting 45 minutes to deliver this baby!! Could push or anything....I can't believe I made it. I wish I could describe how it was to not push...but I just can't put it into words(maybe thats a good thing for you friends). Doctor walks into the room scrubs up and looks at the clock before she sits down. I left a contraction coming on and my nurse said "take a breath in and push", so I did 3 pushes in one contraction and my little girl was born!! My mother and sister both had told me it was noon when doc looked at the clock and Blair was born at 12:02. Doc laied her on my chest and we just looked at each other for the longest time. I can remeber say(and crying a little) "I can't wait for Will to meet you!" Nurse took her to be weighed: coming in at 7lbs 11oz and 20in long...PERFECT!!!! In all labor lasted only for 4 hours, not to shabby I say. Her blood sugar was a little low so we did have to give her a little formula to bring that up but other than that she was a beautiful health little girl.
We all just hung out and passed Blair around till I was moved another room. Jack went to get Will to bring him up to meet his little sister. Jack had said Will was so excited to see mommy and sissy. Will just stared at her for a bit and talked very quietly to her. He even gave her a little kiss :) When we asked if he wanted to hold her though, he said "no no" and got right off the bed. He wouldnt even give me a hug either...little stinker. I stayed at the hospital only that night and was discharged at 1:00PM the following day. So a 25 hour hospital stay all in all. Woohoo!
I can't tell you all how amazing you feel afterwards when you go without medication in a delivery. I felt and still feel amaing! If you can do it I say go all natural baby!! I also want to thank all of you family and friend for the kind words these last few days. Thank you so much and we can't wait for you all to meet/see her. We know you'll fall in love with her too.
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