Mountain Adventure

Mountain Adventure

Friday, July 22, 2011

half a week in a post

Sorry for the delay on a new post, this week has been a doozy!

Well today was the start of potty training. So far we've wet through 2 pairs of undies and have not gone in the potty. I sat him donw once he told me and he than told me he no longer had to go. So I of course let him back out in the living room with his lego batman undies on. Seriously 2 minutes later the little bugger had wet himself. I have a feeling I have my work cut out for me on this task, but I am so up for the job!! I would love to not have to change diapers any longer. February is going to come much faster than I think. I would like to only have diaper duty for one child. I'll keep you all updated on the progress!

This week was sooo freaking HOT! Will and I hardly made it outside. We did however go to the Papio Bay on Tuesday and let me tell you, Will had so much fun! He must have gone down the kiddy water slide 50+ times. We than ventured over to the adult pool area where he watch the big kids jump off the diving board and go down the water slide. We stayed in after the whistle had blown for break and just laid in the shallow area. We had so much fun and he took an amazing nap!

Last night was the first date night Jack and I had been on in quite sometime. It was so nice to get away from the house and have time together. At the end of the night though I always say "Aww Will's going to be asleep when we get home." We went out to West Omaha and had a glass of wine at Brix (love that place!) and had our favorite meal at our favorite resaurant, sushi at Hiro! I loved it and I cant wait to go out next week. I have half a mind to go back to Hiro cause I just can't get enough sushi there. Plus next time I have to get their chocolate cake, its to DIE for!

Well friends, till my next post, hopefully much sooner than last.

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