Mountain Adventure

Mountain Adventure

Thursday, July 28, 2011

What a week...

Well I am so glad this week is about to be over, its been a rough one. So far this pregnancy has rocked my socks off! I mean in the beginning I was so hungry I just wanted to eat all the time, but now it seems like food and me don't mix very well. I'm so glad to be getting out of this first trimester funk! Bring on the second trimester!!!!!!

Potty Training update: we have peed in the potty once which is super!! But I need more than just a one timer, I'll be trying harder this next week for sure. He also took a tumble off his potty stool, which might have set him back just a tad, but we'll see.

As for Jack and Will, I'm guessing their week went much better than mine. Jack is busy with work, which is GREAT! I'm so glad his new venture is taking off and fast. I know this next year will be crazy busy for the both of us. I'm excited but also nervous (good nervous though!). He'll be leaving the house to work in his office soon and its bittersweet. He actually has been such great help these past 3 months. Letting me go upstairs to nap when i'm not feeling well, helping out with Will if he needs a snack or a show, even a diaper change once in awhile :)

Will's week has been great, I mean does he not think every week isnt great? We had nana, papa, great-grandma, great-grandpa, and maggie over for an hour or 2 and he just thought he was the center of the world!! He was just cheesing it up, one of the cutest things ever by the way. We went to grandma Sigler's house to help cut flowers and eat lunch. He always colors and watches his little personal dvd player with his favorite baby dvd (it drives me completely nuts, but anything for that little boy). He also got to see my brother, "corwe" as he calls him. Lately I've been asking "Where's Cory?" and will always replies with "Corwe at the pool" its just another cute thing he does.

This weekend is going to be a fun one, we'll probably head to nana papa's house, see grammy while we're at the lake, and Sunday is my dad's 57th birthday. So party at the Sigler's house!!!

Friday, July 22, 2011

half a week in a post

Sorry for the delay on a new post, this week has been a doozy!

Well today was the start of potty training. So far we've wet through 2 pairs of undies and have not gone in the potty. I sat him donw once he told me and he than told me he no longer had to go. So I of course let him back out in the living room with his lego batman undies on. Seriously 2 minutes later the little bugger had wet himself. I have a feeling I have my work cut out for me on this task, but I am so up for the job!! I would love to not have to change diapers any longer. February is going to come much faster than I think. I would like to only have diaper duty for one child. I'll keep you all updated on the progress!

This week was sooo freaking HOT! Will and I hardly made it outside. We did however go to the Papio Bay on Tuesday and let me tell you, Will had so much fun! He must have gone down the kiddy water slide 50+ times. We than ventured over to the adult pool area where he watch the big kids jump off the diving board and go down the water slide. We stayed in after the whistle had blown for break and just laid in the shallow area. We had so much fun and he took an amazing nap!

Last night was the first date night Jack and I had been on in quite sometime. It was so nice to get away from the house and have time together. At the end of the night though I always say "Aww Will's going to be asleep when we get home." We went out to West Omaha and had a glass of wine at Brix (love that place!) and had our favorite meal at our favorite resaurant, sushi at Hiro! I loved it and I cant wait to go out next week. I have half a mind to go back to Hiro cause I just can't get enough sushi there. Plus next time I have to get their chocolate cake, its to DIE for!

Well friends, till my next post, hopefully much sooner than last.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


I love to read, but recently I have had nothing to read...which means while Will naps I spend my time laying on the couch watching TV shows or movies. Not really a bad thing, but I would much rather spend that time reading. Jack never likes it when I find a good book/series to read cause I just become so obsessed with the book that I'd rather read than watch our tv shows together. Sorry Jack. I have 2 new books to come out at the end of August (YAY!!!), but I know I can get a book read before than. So if any of you have a book you could refer to me that would be great! I'm up for anything!!

Friday, July 15, 2011


Sometimes I seriously can't wait for the weekend to be here. This firday was a very special one. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 came out which I am so completely stoke to go see.  If my younger sister were here we definitely would have been at the midnight showing!! Jack on the other hand would rather not go see it with me until he found out that a trailer for the The Dark Knight Rises is playing before Harry. I hope a date night can be made out of this...possibily?!

As for the other excitement for today, Jack and I had out very first doctors appointment for baby #2! That's right, you head me!! BABY #2!! Will is going to be a big brother and we couldn't be any happier! Jack had told me that I should say something to my friends on Facebook before pictures arise (from family) of my ever growing abdomen. So my blog friends, your the first I've told outside family and close friends. Baby #2 is due in Febraury 9th I believe. The ultrasound tech said something about the date but I was too busy watching baby bean dance on the screen.

Well friends enjoy the weekend, its going to be a scorcher!!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Hello! Hello?

Hi there! Well its my very first blog post, I thought I would start this to share a little with you all about what's been going on here in the Grange household. I'll try to post as often I can! This is a very new thing for me, so let's see where it take me :)